Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Education in Future

Assalamu’alaykum wr, wb!

Nowadays, education is developing well through the development of science and technology. Students can enlarge their knowledge or get information just by clicking the mouse to search certain information related to their needs from surfing the internet. Students can get unlimited access to get unlimited information spread out through internet. Some schools in Europe, Australia, and in some other development country have opened the virtual class. We do not have to attend in the real class to listen the lesson from the teachers. Then, we spend our time in the class. We just have to read the explanation from the teacher or lecturer and then do the exercises or assignments then submit them in the specific deadline. It is very flexible learning.

Many research conducted by experts is also very helpful for the development of teachers and teaching methods. There are various ways to teach, to handle the students, to correct students’ error, to give elicitation in class, etc. Especially, the method to teach English as Second language, it has been developing into the whole new stage. There is significant development in the methods in teaching. It is begun with GTM (Grammar Translation Method) and the new one is CLT (Communicative Language Teaching). This is one of the signs that the education world is now entering the new age.

How about the education in future? Is it going to be better? Or is it going to be worse? In my analysis, the education world will be much more better in the term of science and technology. Some years later, the education is not only about attending the formal school which only reach limited students around the location of the school, to get the sertificate or diploma, but also education will be able to reach many students in many places by using the technology in the future without attending the formal school for certain span of time. So, someone will not be afraid of the distance when choosing the school which he likes to choose. It will be a great experience since the education will be much more simple, untied, and flexible.

But otherwise, in term of morality, the education world will face great problem about this problem. We know that the Indonesian students (Junior High School and Senior High School Students) are involved in many bad morality cases. Such as pregnancy, sex before married, drugs, etc. Do you know why this is happening in Indonesia? At least, there are two reasons why this problem is occurred and going to be a great problem in education world, especially in Indonesia.

First, it is because the curriculum, especially in Indonesia, is not applying the integrated curriculum which combining every knowledge which is taught in class with the religious materials. Well, talking about religions in the world, every religion in the world has only lesson about morality and religious lesson (act of devotion). But, it will be different case when we talk about Islam, it is the one and only religion which contains everything (in Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits) such as economic system, politic, astronomy, etc. and when we combine the knowledge with the religion, then the students will not only master the science and technology but also the students will be a good and kind students or and also be a good Muslim. Islam also teaches someone to be a good man wherever and whenever they are. For example: In economy, Muslim will not be allowed to monopolize the market which can make the other Muslim lost his/her chance to open trade, etc.

Second, the morality will be a great problem for education world in Indonesia, because the government has failed to protect the young generation from the western infiltration through westernization or modernization. The western culture which is always identic with the word “modern” and “freedom” has succeeded to change the young generation of Indonesia to follow and copy the western culture which is often inappropriate with eastern culture and Islam. The culture has been campaigned and shown actively and massively through any media. So without any surprise, step by step, the Indonesian is following the western and becoming western (the thought, the fashion, etc)

Finally, the solution to prevent Indonesia facing the great problem about morality is by changing the curriculum and stopping the westernization in Indonesia. Insyaallah, Indonesian students will be a good Muslim and great persons which are not only have good morality but also have broad knowledge. Such as: Ibnu Sina (Avisena), Al-Khawarizmi, etc.

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Jumat, 06 Juli 2012

7 Kunci Pelancar "Galau"

Assalamu’alaykum wr, wb!
Alhamdulillah, puji syukur kehadiran Allah SWT yang telah memberikan limpahan rahmat dan hidayahnya, sehingga kita masih diberikan nikmat yang tak ternilai harganya, yakni nikmat “iman” dan “Islam”.
Sholawat serta salam, selalu kita tujukan bagi sang “Uswatun Hasanah” bagi seluruh manusia diseluruh dunia, terutama kaum muslimin dimanapun mereka berada yakni Rasulullah SAW yang telah berhasil merubah sebuah peradaban jahiliyah menuju sebuah peradaban yang memimpin dunia selama 13 abad, dengan Islam.
(NA: Ah, Bung Harry, Mukodimahnya kebanyakan.) (HS: Sudah lama entry saya ga ada mukodimahnya, biar ingat Allah & Rasul disetiap posting gan)

Seperti biasa, saya nge-share sesuatu yang insyaallah bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Khusus entry ini mungkin adalah ditujukan khusus bagi para pemuda atau siapa saja yang masih bersemangat muda dan selalu terbayang-bayang ke-GALAU-an dapat mengancam dirinya (NA: Wah bahasanya tajem sampe ancem2 juga) (HS: Udah jangan banyak comment dulu baca sampe selesai kasihan pembaca blog ga bisa konsentrasi baca.). (NA: Ok Bung!!! Peace).

Dari pelbagai macam seluk beluk kehidupan kaum muda yang selalu dihiasi dengan C.I.N.T.A. dan E.G.O yang masih sangat tinggi, dapat kita ketahui bahwa para pemuda adalah sasaran “empuk” bagi penyakit-penyakit kejiwaan yang disebabkan oleh tekanan psikologis dan ketidakpastian seperti stress, pusing, atau galau, dan sejenisnya. Jika seseorang terkena satu atau lebih, maka pasti “performance”-nya akan menurun, sehingga jika terjadi secara massive dan berkelanjutan, hal tersebut dapat menggangu produktivitas para pemuda, terutama pemuda Islam yang diharap-harapkan dapat menjadi sebuah contoh dimasyarakat dalam membangun akhlak dan pemahaman Islam. Tidak lucu rasanya jika seseorang yang ngaku intelektual muda, “dikit-dikit” galau, “dikit-dikit” galau. Apalagi disebar melalui jejaring sosial seperti facebook & twitter dengan status-status serba GaJe.

Bersumber dari hasil berbagai observasi dan wawancara dengan sumber-sumber yang ahli dalam urusan ini, akhirnya saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa sedikitnya ada 7 kunci pelancar kegalauan. Kalau ga percaya coba aja. :) Tanpa panjang lebar, ini silahkan pelajari kuncinya biar bisa jadi penggalau sejati. he...he : 

Kunci Galau Pertama, maenkan lagu "Melankolis", sambil inget-inget yang sedih-sedih, dijamin galau melulu & rejeki kacaw.
Kunci Galau Kedua, lakukan maksiat "kholwat", "ikhtilat", dsb. Dijamin banyak galau, iman dan imron kacaw.
Kunci Galau Ketiga, banyak mikirin dunia, sedikit mengingat Allah, dijamin galau dan akhirat kacaw.
Kunci Galau Keempat, simpen foto mantan, berikut sms dan barang-barang warisannya, dijamin galaw dan ga bisa move-on serta pikiran kacaw.
Kunci Galau Kelima, idolain boyband kemayu, nonton han-sinema, nangis sampe paraw dan ikutan kemayu, performance kacaw.
Kunci Galau Keenam, follow akun-akun alay, y4Ng nGeTuitz-4n g jLazZ, s4l1Nkz uc4P "cemunguudh! eAaa k4Ka!" dijamin mabok bin kacaw
Kunci Galau Ketujuh, mengeluh terus-terusan ngerasa diri paling malang di dunia, paling hina, mana nggak galaw. 

Nah udah tau kan 7 hal yang bisa membuat kalian ber-GALAU ria, tinggal pilih, apakah terus melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan diatas, apa ganti kebiasaan baru yang lebih produktif dan membangun karakter kamu-kamu. Dan solusinya adalah dengan mendekatkan diri pada C.I.N.T.A sejati yakni Allah dan Rasul-Nya, dengan selalu menerapkan ajaran-ajaran yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah Saw dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dijamin anti-galau kalaupun ada pasti segera terselesaikan, karena Islam mensolusikan segala masalah, yuk berlomba-lomba mendekatkan diri sama Allah SWT.

Finally, semoga informasi diatas dapat memberi wawasan agar bisa jauh-jauh deh dari yang namanya “GALAU” dan sejenisnya.
Semoga bermanfaat!

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Research Method

Assalamu'alaykum wr, wb! 

Research method
I want something new. Research will provide it
The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. This process takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the boundaries between them may be obscure):
Exploratory research, which helps to identify and define a problem or question.
Constructive research, which tests theories and proposes solutions to a problem or question.
Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence.

There are two ways to conduct research:
Primary research: This research uses primary source, i.e., original documents and data.
Secondary research: This research uses secondary sources, i.e., a synthesis of, interpretation of, or discussions about primary sources.

There are two major research designs:
Qualitative research and Quantitative research. Researchers choose one of these two tracks according to the nature of the research problem they want to observe and the research questions they aim to answer:

Qualitative research
Understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. Asking a broad question and collecting word-type data that is analyzed searching for themes. This type of research looks to describe a population without attempting to quantifiably measure variables or look to potential relationships between variables. It is viewed as more restrictive in testing hypotheses because it can be expensive and time consuming, and typically limited to a single set of research subjects. Qualitative research is often used as a method of exploratory research as a basis for later quantitative research hypotheses.

Quantitative research
Systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships. Asking a narrow question and collecting numerical data to analyze utilizing statistical methods. The quantitative research designs are experimental, correlational, and survey (or descriptive). Statistics derived from quantitative research can be used to establish the existence of associative or causal relationships between variables.


I have finished Research Method lecture at fourth semester. The final project of this lecture is try to make the research proposal. Here, because someone wants me to share my result of making the proposal, I post this entry.
Do you want to have my proposal.
Download. here
and here, if you want to get my friend proposal. (thank to Sri Surya Dewi and friends).

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Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Koleksi Silabus Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu'alaykum wr, wb!
Koleksi Silabus Mau!!?? Langsung Download aja!!
Alhamdulillah, masih diberikan kesempatan dan pulsa untuk ngenet dan menggarap blog ini. :) 
Entri ini memang sengaja di Post karena ada yang request dari teman se-angkatan saya yang sedang butuh contoh silabus untuk membantu mata kuliah PPL 2 (Praktek Mengajar) di sekolah-sekolah sekitar daerah Surabaya dan Sidoarjo.
PPL!? ya, istilah yang tidak asing bagi mahasiswa, khususnya mahasiswa-mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan. Di PPL ini tentu saja tidak lepas dengan RPP dan Silabus. Pada Entri ini, saya share hasil pembuatan Silabus untuk mata pelajara bahasa Inggris kelas 1 SMP Semester Genap yang dibuat oleh Mahasiswa IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.
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Special Thanks To:
1. Hari Subagyo
2. Hilyatus Sa'adah
3. Wahdah Magfudhoh
4. Riris Hidya
5. Alda Dea Delfina
6. Wahidatul Azizah
7. Dwi Agustin NF
8. Laili A. Mashita
9. Siti Almaidah
10. Akhiyat Hilmi
11. Rufaidah Kusuma
12. Ana Laila