Senin, 28 November 2011

HAM: Solusi Bagi Umat Islam?

HAM: Solusi Bagi Umat Islam?
Pada 10 Desember mendatang akan diperingati sebagai hari Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) sedunia. Dimana pada moment ini sering dijumpai para pegiat HAM dibeberapa daerah mengadakan aksi – aksi terkait penerapan HAM dan aturan – aturan yang dianggap tidak sesuai dengan HAM.
Pada hari Rabu, 1 desember 2010 yang lalu, Human Right Watch (HRW) dalam konferensi pers, mendesak pemerintah lokal di Aceh dan pemerintah pusat Indonesia agar mencabut Perda Syariah; mengenai larangan Kholwat dan aturan mengenai busana Muslim. HRW menilai bahwa pelaksanaan Perda syariah ini telah melanggar HAM dan konstitusi indonesia. Perda ini memang telah lama menjadi target pengecaman para penggiat HAM dan aktivis liberal yang pada hakekatnya telah membenci syariah Islam.
Seharusnya umat Islam aware terhadap masalah Hak Asasi manusia itu sendiri. Faktanya, dalam ruang lingkup lokal, nasional bahkan International, propaganda HAM sering merugikan umat Islam. Sebut saja di Perancis (France) dimana ada peraturan yang melarang muslimah untuk mengenakan Burqa’. Muslimah yang tertangkap mata sedang mengenakan Burqa’ akan terkena hukuman dan yang paling ringan adalah mendapatkan ticket (di Indonesia semacam tanda tilang) yang biasanya berupa denda. Di Swiss, pembangunan menara masjid dilarang. Abu Dhabi, dimana muslimahnya didatangi (baca: diperkosa) tentara – tentara Sekutu (Allied force) rata 5 – 7 kali sehari. Di Palestina, Zionis laknatullah membantai umat Islam dan menjarah tanah kaum muslimin, dan banyak peristiwa – peristiwa lainnya. Dimana HAM? Kenapa HAM muncul ketika umat Islam ingin melaksanakan syariahnya secara penuh? Fakta – fakta yang diatas sudah sangat cukup membuktikan kita bahwa HAM bukan solusi bagi umat Islam dibelahan Dunia manapun.
Selain berstandar ganda dan menyesatkan, HAM merupakan salah satu alat ampuh penjajahan barat, khususnya Amerika, atas negeri – negeri Islam. Dimana negeri – negeri kaum muslimin dicekoki oleh Barat dengan pemahaman – pemahaman yang melemahkan aqidah. Sebagai contoh dalam aspek freedom of religion, bukanlah semata – mata ketidakbolehan memaksa seseorang untuk memeluk agama tertenu; tetapi kebebasan untuk murtad, dan bahkan untuk tidak memeluk agama sama sekali. Dengan alasan HAM dan toleransi, Ahmadiyah yang menghina Islam dengan mengakui Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sebagai nabi setelah Rasulullah Muhammad SAW. dibela habis habisan oleh para aktivis HAM dan Liberal, disisi moralitas HAM tidak melarang orang – orang yang dengan bangga menyuguhkan lekuk tubuhnya ditempat – tempat umum, sementara muslimah yang ingin menggunakan burqa ditilang, dan masih banyak lagi kisah – kisah memilukan lainnya. Masihkah kita doyan dengan HAM?

HAM = No, Islam = Yes
Say No to Human Right

Nilai HAM yang nisbi, yang sarat dengan kepentingan – kepentingan baik politis, ekonomi dan Ideologis pihak tertentu (dilihat secara theoratical maupun practical), semestinya membuka mata kita (manusia, bukan hanya kaum muslimin) untuk kembali kepada nilai – nilai yang paripurna. Itulah nilai – nilai ilahiah. Itulah nilai – nilai Islam. Islam sangat menjunjung tinggi kehormatan dan kemuliaan manusia.

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dan Sesungguhnya telah Kami muliakan anak-anak (keturunan) Adam, (Q.S. Al – Israa’ [17], 70)
Atas kemuliaan itulah Islam melindungi setiap jiwa manusia. Perlindungan tersebut bertujuan untuk menyelamatkan dan memelihara eksistensi manusia. Karena itu, pembunuhan atas satu jiwa pada hakikatnya sama seperti membunuh semua manusia. Sebagai contoh: balasan yang layak bagi orang yang membunuh adalah dibunuh pula. Semua itu tertuang jelas di Al-qur’an (lihat Q.S. Al – Maidah: 32, Al – Baqarah: 178 – 179).
Hak – hak lainnya seperti hak memiliki dan mengusahakan harta (economy), hak berpolitik, hak pendidikan, dan hak primer yang lain dijamin pemenuhannya oleh Islam melalui tanggung jawab negara dalam merealisasikan kehidupan Islam.
Walhasil, sudah semestinya kita kembali kepada prinsip – prinsip yang bersumber dari sang Pencipta, Allah SWT. Dengan keyakinan yang penuh dan keikhlasan untuk taat terhadap risalah-Nya, perlindungan atas hak – hak manusia hanya akan bisa terwujud manakala Islam mengatur kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara dengan Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah melalui institusi warisan Rasulullah SAW yaitu dengan khilafah Islamiyah.
Down – down fake Human Right, Rise – Rise with Islam![1]

By: The Wise
IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Tarbiyah, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Semester V
e-mail & facebook;, 

Minggu, 20 November 2011


Teachers should be boring to make the students bored. Making a boring class is much easier than making an exciting class. Believe me that many teachers are fond of making a boring class. I do not know whether they do it intentionally or not. If you want your students get nothing in the class, I highly recommend you to do these following activities and to have such of following characters.
To be a boring teacher, you should talk much or endlessly in the class. Let the students listen to you all the time, works best if you teach speaking class. Or be the silent teacher, come to the class give the students assignments and sit still.
The next activities that you can do to ascertain yourselves being boring teacher is you should become surprisingly predictable teacher. Do the same activities in each and every time you teach in the class. Your students will absolutely do your instructions without any explanation from you. It is good to make the teacher spend their energy effectively and also good to make the classroom more boring.
After you know what activities that you should do to become boring teachers, you must also know what characters the teachers should have. In order to make the class more boring, you must be the authority, the king, in the class. If the students do not follow your instruction or make some errors, you must be sure to punish them or at least scold them, do not hesitate. You will absolutely will be “the iron-fist king”, it is good to make class be not exciting.
 These are some factors that absolutely help you to make a class boring. Do not in doubt, just do it appropriately then you can feel the class atmosphere changing. Your students become yours, the class become yours, and your students get nothing.

do you want to have the soft copy download it here.

By : Hari Subagyo

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Menanti Kesejahteraan Hakiki

Mata ini silau tatkala melihat negeri nan indah ini
Negeri ini bagai surga dunia yang telah tampak jelas
Tanahnya subur, sumber daya alamnya berlimpah
Hati bangga dan bahagia...

Sungguhku tak mengira,
Potensi yang ada disia-sia.
Negeri ini kaya,
Tapi miskin.
Siapa yang salah? Apa yang kurang?

Ya Allah ya robb,
Ku memohon ridho dan ampunan-Mu.
Negeriku telah berdosa besar karena telah mengingkari sebagian firman-Mu.
Ampunilah negeri-Ku
Dan mudahkan para pejuang firman-Mu
Untuk berdakwah, menyadarkan masyarakat.
Dan berikanlah hidayah-Mu
Untuk membuka hati para penentang firman-Mu

Penantian ini tidak akan lama.
Firman-Mu akan segera ditegakkan
Kesejahteraanpun akan segera datang,
Dibawah naungan Ridho-Mu.

By; Harry Subagyo
For my beloved and poor country

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Words of the Day (The True Power)

KEKUATAN seseorang tidak terletak pada OTOT"nya yang besar atau BADANnya yang kekar,
tetapi berada pada "HATI"nya.
Ketika mempunyai sesuatu, mereka lebih mengutamakan orang lain/saudaranya.
Tatkala didzalimi dan mereka mempunyai kesempatan/hak untuk membalas mereka memilih untuk tidak membalas.
Inilah "The Real Power" dari manusia.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Words of the Day (The Obstacle)

tetapi janganlah lupa JANJI ALLAH SWT;
ujian "TIDAK MUSTAHIL" (laa yukallifullahu nafsan illa wus aha)
kita jadikan ujian sebagai LOMPATAN kita untuk menjadi manusia yang TIDAK BIASA
semakin BERAT ujian semakin TIDAK BIASA kita menjadi...

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Words of the day (Life is Learning)

Belajar BERSYUKUR meski sekarang KEKURANGAN
Belajar IKHLAS meski tak RELA
Belajar TAAT meski BERAT
Belajar MEMAHAMI meski tak SATU hati
Belajar SETIA meski TERGODA
Belajar dengan KEYAKINAN meski hati seperti air laut;
yang kadang pasang surut dan sering terbawa arus


Words of the Day (Believe in Allah)

Dari AIR MATA kita belajar untuk MENGERTI
Dari rasa KHAWATIR kita belajar untuk MEMPERCAYAI
Dari rasa KEHILANGAN kita belajar untuk MENGHARGAI
Dari KESALAHAN kita belajar untuk MEMAAFKAN

You will find your way (to reach everything you want)
 Insya ALLAH...!

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Words of the Day (Never Give Up)

Kawan, setiap insan akan diUJI oleh Allah
tidak sedikt yang mengeluh, MENYERAH, dan putus asa
dan sedikit yang menjadi PEMENANG.
PEMENANG bukanlah orang SEMPURNA
tetapi PEMENANG adalah seseorang yang mampu terus BANGKIT
walaupun harus TERJATUH berkali-kali.
gemakan suara TAKBIR diDADA dan katakan NEVER GIVE UP!

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

Comparation between Prose and Drama

About Drama

Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" (Classical Greek: δρᾶμα, drama), which is derived from "to do" (Classical Greek: δράω, drao). The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a collective form of reception. The structure of dramatic texts, unlike other forms of literature, is directly influenced by this collaborative production and collective reception.[2] The early modern tragedy Hamlet (1601) by Shakespeare and the classical Athenian tragedy Oedipus the King (c. 429 BCE) by Sophocles are among the masterpieces of the art of drama. A modern example is Long Day's Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neill (1956).

Intrinsic Elements of Drama

Intrinsic elements of drama are structural elements which are in drama itself. There are eight elements that in drama. They are plot, message, language, dialog, setting, technical Instructions, theme and character. Here, I will explain each of the elements.


Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows arrangement of events and actions within a story. Here a some component that exists in plot ;

Exposition: the start of the story, the situation before the action starts

Rising Action: the series of conflicts and crisis in the story that lead to the climax

Climax: the turning point, the most intense moment—either mentally or in action

Falling Action: all of the action which follows the climax

Resolution: the conclusion, the tying together of all of the threads


According to Akhmad Saliman (1996 : 67) message is everything which wants to be delivered by the composer/writer and be delivered directly or indirectly to the audiences/viewers.

Message in drama has two kinds ; written (explisit) message and unwritten (implisit) message. Generally, message is intentionally hidden by the writer of the drama. Only an expert audience who can find the unwritten message (implicit).


According to Akhmad Salim (1996 : 68), language which is used in drama is chosen intentionally depend on the function of the language.

Every drama writer has their own style in choosing words as their medium to express their mind and feeling. Language is dealing with words choosing and writing style.

Generally, language which is chosen by author is a simple language (communicative). For instance, a language which is usually used in daily activities, or educatif language.

The used language is chosen in order to make the story of drama interesting and make the dialog more communicative. In order that making a interesting drama, writer often does not care about the rules of standard language.


the lines spoken by characters in drama or fiction. Some of the characters have their own style to say in dialog depend on their character in the story.


The setting of a literary work is the time and place of the action.

The setting includes all the details of a place and time – the year, the time of day, even the weather.

The place may be a specific country, state, region, community, neighborhood, building, institution, or home.

The setting of a story often helps to create a particular mood, or feeling.

6.Technical instruction

Technical instruction is a limitation that is intentionally included by a drama writer as the interpret guidance for everyone which wants to perform this.

Technical instruction in the drama’s manuscript can be a list of explanation about the scenes, profile of character in story, setting, setting of light, setting of music, setting of stage and properties that must be prepared


The theme of a literary work is its central message, concern, or purpose. A theme can usually be expressed as a generalization, or general statement, about people or life. The theme may be stated directly by the writer although it is more often presented indirectly. When the theme is stated indirectly, the reader must figure out the theme by looking carefully at what the work reveals about the people or about life.


Character plays a pivotal role in a drama, novel, short story and all kinds of narratives. Character reflects the personality of the protagonist and other related characters. The method of conveying information about characters in art is called characterization. Characters can be fictional or based on real, historical entities. It can be human, supernatural, mythical, divine, animal or personifications of an abstraction.

About Prose

Prose is the most typical form of written language, applying ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry). The English word "prose" is derived from the Latin prōsa, which literally translates as "pooey rose". While there are critical debates on the construction of prose, its simplicity and loosely defined structure has led to its adoption for the majority of spoken dialogue, factual discourse as well as topical and fictional writing. It is commonly used, for example, in literature, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, broadcasting, film, history, philosophy, law and many other forms of communication.

Intrinsic elements of prose

The intrinsic elements of prose are theme, plot, setting, character, point of view and value. Here is the explanation of those elements ;


The theme of a literary work is its central message, concern, or purpose. A theme can usually be expressed as a generalization, or general statement, about people or life. The theme may be stated directly by the writer although it is more often presented indirectly. When the theme is stated indirectly, the reader must figure out the theme by looking carefully the work reveals about the people or about life.


Plot is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows arrangement of events and actions within a story. Here a some component that exists in plot ;

Exposition: the start of the story, the situation before the action starts

Rising Action: the series of conflicts and crisis in the story that lead to the climax

Climax: the turning point, the most intense moment—either mentally or in action

Falling Action: all of the action which follows the climax

Resolution: the conclusion, the tying together of all of the threads


The setting of a literary work is the time and place of the action.

The setting includes all the details of a place and time – the year, the time of day, even the weather.

The place may be a specific country, state, region, community, neighborhood, building, institution, or home.

The setting of a story often helps to create a particular mood, or feeling.


Character plays a pivotal role in a drama, novel, short story and all kinds of narratives. Character reflects the personality of the protagonist and other related characters. The method of conveying information about characters in art is called characterization. Characters can be fictional or based on real, historical entities. It can be human, supernatural, mythical, divine, animal or personifications of an abstraction.

e.Point of View

Point of View is the perspective from which a story is told. It is the relationship of the narrator to the story. Commonly, there are just two kinds of point of view. They are ;

a.First-person is told by a character who uses the first-person pronoun “I”.

b.Third-person limited point of view is the point of view where the narrator uses third-person pronouns such as “he” and “she” to refer to the characters.


According to Akhmad Saliman (1996 : 67) message is everything which wants to be delivered by the composer/writer and be delivered directly or indirectly to the audiences/viewers.

Message in drama has two kinds ; written (explisit) message and unwritten (implisit) message. Generally, message is intentionally hidden by the writer of the drama. Only an expert audience who can find the unwritten message (implicit).


***Thank You***